June 30, 2011

Hi-H…Hi-Ho…It’s Off to Work We Go


IBC June 2011 451-1


Well as most of you know, we have been under a lot of construction lately. Since the last update on the school,  the FL helped us get the roof on and it is almost finished. With most of the roof on, the builder was able to go in a start plastering. He is almost finished with that and installing all the window frames. Once he has shined the walls and finished the frames, we will be able to pick out wall colors and start painting the classroom and store room. The next project up there will be to put shelves into the store room and bring all the school supplies from the library here up there to be organized and stored.

DSC_0223_edited-1While we were busy on the roof of the school house, the builder was busy on the brickwork for my house. He and his crew worked very hard for two weeks; all day; to finish the brickwork so we could start putting a roof on. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to work on it with the team that was here from FL, but the good news is that it is ready for a roof as soon as we are able to get the materials for it and make time to put it up!

In between the school house and the brickwork for my house, Jako had the builders pour a cement floor in his workshop. Not only is his whole workshop enclosed with brick, it now has a nice solid floor for his new (metal) work table and soon the rest of his tools and supplies. I know he and Charles are eager to get shelves on the walls and organize everything that he has!P6290056_edited-1

On a smaller scale, we have worked very hard to finish up the shelves in the library, put in a second toilet in the  house, fix the generator, and adding shelves in the home office. We are hoping once my house gets finished and the storeroom up at the orphanage, then we will have a break from construction projects and Jako, especially, will have more time investing in the lives of the locals with training, discipleship, and leadership classes.

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