March 29, 2011

Moving Forward

“Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; 
   make known among the nations what he has done.”
Psalm 105:1

For months, we have been praying about the finances for the preschool.  We need $4,000 to build the building and furnish the classrooms.  We know that God always provides when he is ready for his work to be executed and completed.  Well this past week we found out that FBCW is donating the $4,000 to Mission of Love for the preschool building.  Praise God that His Spirit is alive and ever present in our village in Zambia.  He is moving his kingdom vision forward one step at a time and allowing us to be a part of it all.  Please continue to pray for the development of the school and the hands that will be building it.  Jako and Amber have returned to Zambia and after they get settled in, there will be a lot of work for them to catch up on, in addition, to building the preschool.  Pray that God will rise up men in the villages to volunteer in making a difference in their children’s lives, as well as, the others that live in the surrounding communities.  Pray that God will continually prepare me for what lies ahead in building the school, preparing it for children, figuring out all the logistics that go with it, and learning their culture and language to be most effective in their lives.

March 22, 2011

El HaNe'eman

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” 
Genesis 28:15

I have been studying Genesis with my small group over these past few months.  It seems that in every story we read the same underlying theme is present: God is faithful (El HaNe’eman) in fulfilling His promises.  He made several promises to Abraham and Sarah and regardless of their faithfulness or trust in Him; He always fulfilled the promises in their lives.  God opened Sarah’s barren womb, he made Abraham the father of a great nation, he rescued Lot, he made Abraham very wealthy, and so much more.  It is great to sit around a living room and praise God for his faithfulness in someone else’s life, but how much better is it to experience it first hand? 

Back in Zambia, God made me several promises when I agreed to step out in faith and say “yes” to serve Him as a missionary in Africa.  One of my biggest fears in pursuing full time missions was the idea of support raising and speaking in front of groups of people.  God assured me that He would be next to me the whole way; that I had nothing to fear, He was in control.  From a human perspective of course I had doubts how an invisible being would be able to be “by my side” when speaking to large groups of people, comforting me in my fears.  I took His promise not actually expecting Him to fulfill it in ways I would physically see.  Well, months later the journey of support raising and preparations to enter the field had begun.  I was speaking with many friends, family members, and strangers about the adventure I am embarking on to Zambia.  I received varied reactions to the testimonies I gave, most being encouraging and supportive.  So already God was working through me and I didn’t even realize it. 
It wasn’t until a couple weekends ago when I was visiting Blue Creek Baptist Church, in Jacksonville, NC, that the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to how powerful and present God is currently on my journey.  I have never had the responsibility of filling a whole service testifying to God’s grace and work through me for His kingdom, so I was a little bit nervous and unsure of how the evening would turn out.  To my surprise, it was the most amazing evening I have ever had, and because of it, I wish I could do that at every church in the surrounding area.  It was so amazing to look back and feel the presence of God next to me and the Holy Spirit speaking directly from my heart into the hearts of those people in the audience.  On that day, God reassured me of the promise He had made several months before…He is erasing every doubt that could ever enter into my heart about moving to Zambia.  When I witnessed a promise from God fulfilled, it completely confirms the calling I received from Him, affirming that I have nothing to worry about because He is in complete control of how everything turns out. 

Support Update

Hello All…I am sorry it has been so long since my last post, I have just been extremely busy finishing up at work and working on support raising, that time has just flown by.  First of all, I want to thank everyone who has been graciously supporting me in prayer, encouragement, and financially.  God has been using each of you in more powerful ways than you could ever imagine.  He has magnificent plans for the education and well-being of the orphans living in our orphanage, as well as, in the surrounding communities.  I am so excited that He has ordained so many of you to be a part of His work in Africa.  With the amount of people that He is getting involved, I know that we are going to see amazing miracles and a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in the bush of Zambia in the coming years.  Thank you again for all that are daily praying for me and this mission.

A lot of you received letters that did not have the information for a tax deduction donation and have been asking about that information…I have been trying to personally email people who have asked for it, but some of you I don’t have email addresses for yet, so if you are still encouraged to make a one-time donation or monthly donations, please follow the instructions below.

Please send all checks made out to MISSION OF LOVE (with ALYSSA in the memo line) to
Mission of Love
21457 Lake Sharon Dr.
Land O Lakes, FL 34638

As of this moment, God has already provided half of my monthly support!  I have just over $500 pledged monthly and I know He is not done yet.  He is a mighty, powerful, and sovereign God that has complete control over my physical needs and the needs of the school yet to come.  He will provide the funds in his timing alone.  I am confident that the funds will increase in this last month before I leave for the field and Mission of Love will have all the necessary resources to begin building the preschool and filling it with furniture, teaching supplies, materials, color, and much more.  Next to salvation, education is extremely crucial for these orphans and God is in great control in making it happen through each and every one of your prayers, financial sacrifice, and encouraging words and efforts of support.