May 27, 2012

Kids Day Off




DSC_0023The school year is flying by for me, I can’t believe we are almost a third of the way done with our second term, where is the time going?  This past week ended on a different note than the previous weeks, the children had a school holiday, so Medis and I decided it would be a great time to hold Parent/Teacher conferences.  We have over 85 children, giving us about 45-50 parents for all the children, we knew it wouldn’t be possible to meet with each parent individually, although we offered for them to make appointments if they wish to, so we had two group parent conferences.  During these times the parents got to come to school and experience what their children do everyday.  DSC_0070


Before we could have the conferences, we needed the children’s help to get everything ready for their parents.  We reminded the children to teach them about our routine, the songs that we sing, and some of the letters we have been learning.  The children were worried that their parents wouldn’t be able to do all these things, so they wanted to help them out and get them prepared.  Also the children worked very hard at making clay beads for the parents art project…they had to gather the clay, mold it into various shapes of beads, and then paint them many different colors.  The children loved making these beads and they turned out very well.


DSC_0117Friday came and the children stayed home, but sent their parents to school.  When the parents first arrived, we talked about the importance of outside time for the children before we go in for the remainder of the school day.  Once inside, the parents enjoyed sitting in a circle and singing our good morning song, then hearing a bit about how the morning routine goes for the children, and what they learn while they are participating in the morning meeting activities.  Later, the parents had free time to walk around the classroom, read the documentation on the walls, check out their children’s art work, look through their writing journals, and even participate in a special art project.  Using the beads the children made for them, one group of parents strung them on soft wire and bent them into different shapes, which all will be displayed on a wooden board, and hung somewhere around the classroom. DSC_0122 Then the other group of parents made wire flowers with other beads we had in the classroom, which will be displayed on the wall for the children to admire.  We wrapped up the conference discussing the various things the children do after they have free time in the class: music, sign language, Bible story, writing in journals, quiet reading at book nook, movement activities, and so on.  The parents loved spending time at the school and are very happy at all their children are learning.

Medis showed great pride in displaying the children’s progress so far…she interacted nicely with the parents and helped them out in all the areas they were exploring, showing them how the children use the items around the classroom and their art work.  We both had so much with with the two groups of parents and were very encouraged by all their kind words.


DSC_0190The parents have decided that they love the change in their children and what they are already learning at such a young age, so they want to build a Grade 1- Grade 6 school, for Medis and I to set up for the children to continue education here with Mission of Love.  I am very humbled by this compliment knowing that God has made this all possible and He is working in the hearts of the parents in the community.  This is a big project and one I am not able to commit to yet, but praying about how God wants to use me in all this.  We are going to be meeting with the headmen and Senior Hedman to finalize the program to begin making bricks and gathering the materials to get a school building completed.  It seems like they want Grade 1 in January, so the children can go right from preschool to primary school with us…so please be praying about this amazing blessing, but huge undertaking, as it will cost a lot of money to get the buildings made, time to train teachers and set up the classroom, and commitment from EVERYONE in the community to make it all happen, but most of all, it needs God’s approval and timing!!!  Please also pray that God grants me wisdom and discernment on what this all means for me and my future here in Mpapila…


Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement, I am enjoying the children more and more everyday, I find weekends are too long for me to not see them!! 



May 12, 2012

Round Two…Ding!

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Well after a nice long school holiday, the school is back open and lively with children inside.  I was thinking the transition this week would be much like the first couple weeks of school with some children being nervous or scared, but to my surprise this week was just as easy as the last week of school last term.  None of the children seemed to have any struggle coming into the the classroom or exploring the new playground out in front of the building. 

DSC_0054 (2)  The biggest change for the children is the new jungle gym they get to play on.  For the whole first term the children did an excellent job playing with balls and jump ropes everyday.  They were creative and had fun with each other, now they have one goal, to get down the slide before the person behind them can catch up!  Jako worked very hard to get it completed by the time we opened school Monday morning, so the monkey bars and jungle gym were functional!  The swings will hopefully be opening on Monday, maybe with the see saw as well.  What joy it is to see the children running and playing like they are…DSC_0061

This week the children were introduced to soooo many new things inside the classroom as well.  In the new term, Medis and I decided to add some new things to the centers and take away some things to be brought back later in the year.  One of the things that fascinated the children the most this week was the magnets in the science center.  The younger children that have never seen them before said they were “magic balls” since they DSC_0156stuck together without the children's help.  Some of the older children recognized them as magnets and incorporated them into the regular play.  The best part was seeing the children’s reaction when the magnets repelled each other, they had no explanation for why this is happening, but they recognized that when they put the magnets one way they “stuck together” and when they flipped one around it “moved away from” the other one. 

Another exciting moment with the children this week was watching them in the Discovery Table with water and objects that float and sink.  After assessing which ones float and which was sunk to the bottom, some of DSC_0080the children began to play with the whale and other fish and move the water from one container to another one.  When we asked the children why they thought some objects floated and some sunk they told us, “the ones that sank to the bottom weigh more than the ones that are floating on top.”  I am so proud of the children and the connection they make with all the items in the classroom. 

In Art Studio, the children worked very hard gluing popcorn and noodles to a piece of paper.  Since the parent conference is coming up at the end of this month, I decided to splurge and print a picture of each child working on their art work, so that the parents will be able to see what their children work on in school.  Already some parents have come in the classroom and noticed the children’s work all over the walls and have begun to ask questions DSC_0021about it.  The best thing in the conference will be to explain to the parents how much their children are learning at the school in their daily routines and when they play and interact with one another during the day. 

However, the highlight of my week was sharing the gospel with each child, telling them that the only way they can get into Heaven to be with God is through His Son Jesus!  We talked about the things that we some times do that God doesn’t like and why we need Jesus to help us to do the things God wants us to do.  The older children were even able to retell the story drawing the picture I drew for them and telling me how we can get to God!  What a beautiful thing to see young children understanding the truths God laid before time!  Please pray that the story will resonate with them and as we continue to tell stories about Jesus and God to them it will show them more and more who their Creator is and why they need their Savior. 




“Blessed are the feet that bring good news.”  Romans 10:13

May 4, 2012

Playing Around?!?!?!?




Since the end of March this playground has been under development…like most things out here, I easily put on my western thinking cap and make an educated guess as to how long things will take.  Well with the playground, I KNEW no longer than two weeks for sure!  HAHA  well here it is a month later and the playground is still under construction, although I can see light at the end of the tunnel. 



After a month of “playing around”, Jako (with some assistance from me) has finished welding the monkey bars, the jungle gym, and the swings.  We have begun painting all of those and hope to get those three items, along with a see saw, in the ground at the preschool by Monday for the start of the new term.  We still have to make and hang the 4 swings (2 tire swings and 2 plank wings), make the bridge to connect the two towers in the jungle gym, build the see saw, and cement all the things in the ground :o)  This will complete stage one and allow the children to develop their gross motor skills better than just playing with balls and jump ropes, although they will still have the opportunity to do so if they choose to. 




Now Stage Two…since we quickly ran out of time, we decided to make this playground a two stage process.  As the second term goes on, we will hopefully get a 10 foot climbing dome built, a shaded sand box in, a tree balance beam, a tether ball poll, a concrete slab for net ball and four square, and a shaded outdoor teaching area with enough bench space for a class.  This should complete the whole outdoor area for the children and Lord willing a fence will be put around the play area by the end of July to ensure the safety of the children.



This playground not only benefits the children at the preschool, but also at the orphanage.  After school and on the weekends, the children will be more than welcomed to come and play on the playground.  All of these IMGP3062children have been in the bush with nothing like this, so they will ALL jump at the chance to swing, cross the monkey bars, go down the slide, and walk across the balance beam,  What a blessing for the WHOLE community…

With this playground, my hope is to have an end of the year school party with all the families and children: B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Buns) and I will provide the Tea!! 


Please pray that God will use this blessing over and over again to bring joy to those who encounter it and as a tool to bring people together in the community…who knows what ALL He has in store?!?!?!?!


So we have not been playing around this month, but hopefully the children will be playing around for years to come…
