August 24, 2013

Quick Trip Back


beautiful girl

July was the most amazing month…just as I was getting settled back with family and friends, I started missing the people I had come to love and do life with for so long!!  I don’t know how I got so lucky, but God made a way for me to go back to Mukamba and visit one last time to say final good-byes and encourage the teachers and children in the strides they had made!!

I tagged along with the team from FBCW and boy was it a quick and miraculous trip!!  I really didn’t know what to expect, except for God to show up in big ways. I think secretly I wanted to see that the preschool still needed me and that I just had to come back full time.  No sooner than we had landed, I was reunited with the amazing family I had come to love over the past few years.   We ventured out into the bush with so many hopes for the coming weeks.


Jako, of course, had a few projects up his sleeve and I had high hopes of spending ample time at the preschool with the teachers and children.  The team divided and conquered the entire week.  We cleared a field, dug a foundation, poured a foundation, cut fence poles, dug and planted fence poles, attached fence to the poles, ministered to the community through the eye glass ministry, taught Bible lessons, told stories, loved on the children at the orphanage, sang songs with the children at the school, laughed together, prayed together, and praised God the entire way!!!

On a trip like this, with this many servant hearts, you come to expect God to show up in big ways by allowing us to accomplish far more then we ever thought possible.  For providing strength and endurance to finish what we started and to work through the pain and tiredness with our eyes fixed on His prize.  God definitely showed up on this trip and every member of that team can testify to how powerful His Hand was at work among us and the community.  Relationships were restored, faith was challenged, and grace was poured out!! 

eye glass

The thing that surprised me on this trip was the quiet working of the Holy Spirit.  The first day we got into the bush it was a Saturday and no one was at the school.  I snuck away to go check it out and see what the children had been working on and learning.  I can remember it, like it as yesterday.  I walked into the building, to the familiar smell of concrete floors and the beauty of children’s learning all around me.  As I walked around the classroom, my eye filled with tears and the Holy Spirit gently told me, “They’ve got it.”  I realized in that moment that the teachers didn’t need me anymore, that they were beyond capable and beyond confident in their abilities to love on these children and guide them in creating their educational andruth spiritual foundation!!  The teachers had learned all they needed to learn from me and now God is taking them to the next step, He is being their Rock, guiding and instructing them “in the way they should go”.  This realization filled me with complete joy and complete sorrow all at the same time.  I was rejoicing that the Lord’s word did not “return void”, but that the labor He called me to was bearing abundant fruit.  I was sorrowful because I knew it was time to say good-bye, that my time in Mukamba was at an end, that this miraculous chapter of my life had come to an end. 

And God saw where my heart was and He refused to let me leave on a sorrowful note.  One of the last nights in the bush, I snuck up to the playground just a few meters away from where God fist gave me the vision for the preschool back in 2010.  Almost to the day, three years later, He brings me back to the same place and reveals Himself to me in the same way.  It was in a gentle breeze I heard the quiet whisper of a Father saying, “Don’t worry, I will take care of them, they are my children too.”  I had so many questions, so many fears for those precious children who came to the school!  For over two years I poured my heart out for them and came to love them as my own.  That night God assured me that they would never be alone and would  forever be in His care.  He calmed my heart and my spirit to trust in His Sovereign plan, to trust in Him sending me back to America!!


“So it is when I declare something.
My word will go out and not return to Me empty,
But it will do what I wanted;
it will accomplish what I determined.”

Isaiah 55:11


So back to America I came to discover what God had next…

June 27, 2013

“…at Your Right Hand are Pleasures Forevermore”



When I left for the mission field, God made me a promise to never leave or forsake me and to provide everything that I would need.  I’m not going to lie, I mostly believed Him, but I still had my doubts in the beginning.  It was a step of faith to leave everything behind and pursue this passion God placed on my heart.  And for two years it became the norm for God to provide for me in every way…physically, spiritually, and emotionally!  I did not worry about anything because God gave me everything I needed when I needed it.  Then it came time to transition back to the states.  I was not worried because God made it clear that this next season of my life would be in America, I knew that He had a plan and He would reveal it to me.


So I arrive in America with no job, no car, and no plans.  In about three days, God provided an excellent car at an amazing price.  He provided all the finances to make the deal.  Shortly after, I started applying for jobs and attending interviews.   I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I trusted God would lead in the moment and let me know where to place my feet.  I had a couple job offers, but I heard God say “No,” so I ended up accepting a part-time job at the most amazing summer camp.  Once summer got going, I stopped really looking for jobs deciding I should wait until later to start looking again.  God had been showing up with one step after another, guiding and directing my circumstances.  He is such a loving Father, taking care of my every need!!


Being back near my family has been the biggest blessing.  My nephew is beside himself that he can see me over and over again.  I am thoroughly enjoying the time with my parents, catching up and sharing what has been going on and future plans.  Getting to spend weekends with my brother and his family, loving on my niece and nephew!!  And catching up with my sister and her family over in Hawaii.  I have really missed them and all my friends here in the states.  It has been a wonderful few weeks catching up with everyone and building new memories.  I don’t know what is next or how God will continue to use me in the states for his Glory, but I do know that I am happy to be right where He wants me.

“Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
I have no good apart from you.”

As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones,
in whom is all my delight.

The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;
their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out
or take their names on my lips.

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.

I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
my flesh also dwells secure.
For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,
or let your holy one see corruption.

You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Psalm 16

May 8, 2013

“A Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh”


These past few weeks have been filled with tears of sorrow and tears of joy.  The time is coming for me to return to the states and I feel that my heart is being ripped in all sorts of directions.  Part of me is rejoicing to be able to see my friends and family back in the states, but another part is desiring to stay here among these amazing people to serve them and love on them.  Slowly I am giving this transition to the Lord to keepDSC_0265 my heart right where He needs it to be for His glory.  God is constantly reminding me that He is in control and that this school, these people, are just as much in His heart as they are mine.  It is a challenge for me to let go and truly trust God to continue what He started through me, without me.  For over two years I have been blessed to be a large part of God displaying His love for His people in Mukamba.  God has opened my heart to so many mothers, children, fathers, grandmothers, brothers, and sisters.  He has graced me with compassion for those around me, blessed me with a glimpse into His heart for these Tonga children.  I have grown to think of this place as home and these people as my family.  It is truly an act of faith for me to move away and trust God to continue the school, the relationships, the Bible studies, the Sunday school, the English classes, the tutoring, girls night, and so much more.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that God will continue to move mountains and crush the enemy:

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.” 

~ Philippians 1:6 


Needless to say, I was overwhelmed by  a surprise going away party at the orphanage with MOL and the rest of the community.  So many thankful parents and children showed up to show how much they appreciated God for sending me and for the many things He accomplished through me.  The men in the village spoke DSC_0299very highly of a God who loved them very much to give their children such an amazing school, where their children are learning English and so many other important things.  They spoke of the character of God, how He is filled with grace and love to have a teacher that cared so much for them and their children.  They begged that God will bring me back one day to continue the school project in Mukamba!!!  My eyes were filled with tears of joy hearing how God had been revealing Himself through the school and the other ministries He called me to!  I realized in that moment that the school, the eye glasses, the holiday programs, the Sunday school lessons, the teachers, the Bible studies, the English classes, the hours of tutoring, the runs to town, the relationships formed, the dinners that were cooked, the bricks that were laid, the smiles, the laughter, the heartache, the tears, the healing, the miracles…they were all for one thing, for His Glory!!

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.  To Him be glory forever.”

~ Romans 11:36


“The Rock!  His work is perfect, for his ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He,” 

~ Deuteronomy 32:4

April 26, 2013

Holiday Program




DSC_0189Most of you know that problem we had at the beginning of the year since the grade 1 and 2 building was not completed last year.  The parents complained greatly that there was no place for their children here and no place at the community school…so all the children who graduated the preschool last year have been sitting at home with no school to go to.  April is our holiday month where we close the preschool for one month for the teachers and kids to have a break.  This year I thought it might be possible to run a “mock grade 1 program” for the children who have not been going to school.  I asked Medis if she wouldDSC_0187 be interested in running the program or if she would even have time since April is prime harvesting month.  She said that she would love to run the program, we would just have to do it in the afternoons. 

So Medis and I sat down and created some lesson plans for the program, introducing the children to new things they haven’t yet DSC_0208done…teaching more Enlgish and Chitonga, enhancing their critical thinking skills, extra fun art projects, cool science experiments, and introducing grade 1 math concepts to the kids. 

This children have completed 2 weeks of this holiday program being introduced to dinosaurs, volcanoes, counting by 5’s and 10’s, basic addition, critical thinking problems, nature collages, light and shadows, color mixing, and much more from all their dramatic play throughout the school day.  In the coming weeks we hope to introduce more rhyming words to the kids, have them author and illustrate a class story, introduce subtraction, build on the other skills they have learned, create wire sculpture, make sun catchers, and explore with DSC_0238various materials in their discovery table. I am having a blast with our kids from last year, getting to do so much more with them and working with them inside the classroom one last time before moving away.  I think Medis and the children are having having a great time with this program…we just pray it will be enough to catch them up and prepare them for what comes next.



We are planning for this group of kids to be able to come to school and learn a few things for this month and God-willing the other holidays months too.  Our hope is to catch them up as much as we can with grade one objectives, so that in January, this group of kids can start in grade 2, leaving grade 1 open for the 30 kids graduating from preschool this year.  It has been quite the struggle to figure out how we can get all the children into a classroom next year and I think we have ironed out a loose plan from our end, but now we need the community to do their part in building the school!! 

April 15, 2013

New Sunday School Teachers


DSC_0024For two years, I have been working with the church in Mukamba teaching Sunday School and hoping to set a model that the adults can carry on if I were to leave.  Well my departure date is coming up, so a couple months ago, I thought it was time to ask some of the church members to step up as Sunday School teachers.  We said the more teachers we have the easier it will be so that they could switch Sundays and each have time in bible study, as well as teaching the young children.  The next Sunday we had two young men committed to teaching Sunday School.  We had a short meeting with them to give them some guidelines about teaching young children and a list of stories with references in the bible.  Then they would rotate each week taking turns teaching and going to their bible study. 

So far the two guys have been doing a great job!  If one does not show up, the other teacher is there to teach the children.  Some Sundays they read the story from the bible, while other Sunday’s they tell the story and even get the children to act it out!  The kids are enjoying having teaching in their own language much more than having to translate from English.  It seems that the children are retaining more information as well, since I see some kids participate which have rarely spoke in the past, either because they are shy or don’t understand the story. 


We now have a third teacher who joined the team and has a lot of experience teaching Sunday School.  He will be a great addition to the teachers and hopefully they will enjoy teaching every third Sunday, instead of every other Sunday.  Please be praying for these brave men who undertook a very challenging task in the church.  Pray for encouragement from within the church community, as well from the children.  Pray that God fills them with amazing ideas in how to teach the children and make it fun for them.  Pray that God also changes their lives from the experiences of working with the children and learning from the children too.  The children have several games they enjoy playing after our lesson, so it will be interesting to see if the teachers play the games with the kids as time goes on.


Praise be to God for His perfect plans and timing for all things…Praise be to Him for raising these teachers up and sustaining them with knowledge and wisdom!!

March 28, 2013

Making Masks with Moms…






Yesterday we had the most amazing time with Mom’s visiting the Twana Little School.  We invited them to come and do a special project with their children.  Last year, the Moms loved the opportunity to come and make homemade beads with their little ones, embracing the newness of the school and their children’s learning.   This year, many more mom’s came to enjoy this special moment at school.  The teacher’s thought it would be a lot of fun to make plaster masks of the children’s faces, which is not an easy feat. 



The Moms came at the beginning of the school day, played outside with the children, and then moved inside for morning meeting and a bible lesson.  After the morning routine was completed, and most of the Moms and children had arrived, we gave a short tutorial on how to make a plaster mask on a child’s face.  The Moms looked very confused, but intrigued at the idea of making the mask…



We split the Moms and children in half, having some go outside to start making masks, while the others participated in Choice Time in the classroom.  Outside the classroom, the Moms got busy applying Vaseline to the faces followed by the plaster strips.  I am sure the children were a bit apprehensive at first, but they all did great, trusting their Moms not to get anything in their eyes or nose. 


Inside the classroom, the children had drawn pictures of their Moms and wrote “what makes their mom special” at the bottom of the page.  The Moms thoroughly enjoyed seeing themselves on the wall and reading what their children thought of them!  After much encouragement from the teachers, they loosened up and began to “play” with their children.  Moms were doing puzzles, dressing up , dancing, reading books, playing with animals, driving trucks, and much more. 


At the end of the day, everyone had a huge smile on their face!!  The teachers were hanging on by a thread, after two full classes of Moms and projects, but they did amazing.  I am so proud of the way God is using the preschool as a means to bring the community together laughing, learning, and socializing.  The teachers are doing a wonderful job of getting everyone involved and keeping it fun and interesting!  Please be praying for these teachers and the roles God has them in!  Even if they don’t realize it, He is using them for His big plans in Mukamba…so they need all the strength they can get!!

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March 12, 2013

‘Cool’ Science Ramps and Marbles



A new addition to the school this year is our Light and Shadow Studio.  In this space, the children have the opportunity to work with various materials on a light table exploring: shapes, colors, textures, shadows, light, and many other fun things.  At some point, a few of the children found the marbles and they were very intrigued with how the light would shine through them.  They kept them in the cup and shined their flash lights through them observing what what happening. 

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One day, they decided to put the marbles on the table.  The moment they released the marbles onto the light table, gravity took over.  They started chasing the marbles with their hands to keep them from rolling off the table.  Thank you to our builder who did not level the floor properly for this ‘cool science’ moment.  The teachers all thought it would be a great idea to provide ramps of different heights and surfaces for the children to explore with marbles…so we did:




   “The marbles run faster if you put them on the higher side.”






“The small marbles roll very fast.” – Florence



“The big marbles run faster than the small marbles.”  -Kain



             “The marbles spread out all over the surface when you let them go.”








“When there is no ramp, the marbles go very slow.”  -Chanto

March 7, 2013

Measuring Mayhem!!



We are so blessed to have a wood working space for the children outside.  The older ones have been very involved in building things with scraps of wood, hammers, and nails.  While they were making their creations, some became very interested in the tape measure.  They started measuring the table, the wood pieces, their hammers, and anything else they could find.  What fun math they were already doing and we decided to support it by putting many other measuring tools inside the classroom to use during choice time as well.  The children went crazy measuring anything and everything they could from the items in math center, to the morning meeting rug, to the walls of the classroom, to their friends, and so much more.  Here are some learning moments we had with the children during their week of measuring mayhem:

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Teacher:      What can you do if you want to know how tall someone is?

Sonya:         You measure them.DSC_0030

Teacher:      What can you use to measure them?

Sanford:       A toy (pointing to tape measure).

All:              A ruler.

Teacher:       What other things can we use to measure?

Fransiscar:   A stick.

Ruth:           Some grass.

Sonya:          A rope.

Teacher:       What were you doing at the math center?DSC_0072

Sanford:       Measuring.

Teacher:       What things were you measuring?

Oripa:           Our friends at school.

Jobby:           The table.

Anita:            Pipes.

Teacher:        Did you all use the same thing to measure?

All:                No.

Teacher:        What different things did you use?DSC_0050

Jobby:            A ruler.

Orient:           Grass.

Loson:           Tape measure.



Fain:              Look Florence, I am taller than you.

Memorial:      I am taller than you.DSC_0086

Kain:              No, I am taller than all of you.

Teacher:         What can we do to find out who is the tallest?

Kain:              We can use a tape measure.

Teacher:         So, who is the tallest?

Kain:              Fain is taller then me.

Crinet:           Chanto, hold here so we can measure this rag.

Teacher:         What is the length of this rag?

Chanto:          I don’t know.DSC_0084

Teacher:         Let’s count these numbers…

Chanto:          One…two!

Teacher:         Yes, two meters long!  Nice counting!

Ackinstone:    Look, I am measuring these blocks.

Rachel:            I want to count how many feet are in this ruler. 

February 27, 2013

How Deep is the Love of Christ…


DSC_0032Yesterday, I was sitting and thinking about the children at school.  They always impress me, but this year especially with the way they seemed to pick up right where we left off in November.  The younger class is so vibrant with joy and excitement about the new things in the school and the older ones taking confidence in teaching their new friends how to explore and use everything we have in the classroom.  For some reason, my mind drifted back to this time last year and how different everything was: the children, their behavior, DSC_0144their mindset, their play, their smiles, their knowledge, etc.  In that moment, the Holy Spirit filled me with the greatest JOY I have ever experienced, a small glimpse at the heart of God.  My eyes were opened to “why” God provided money for the school, gave me knowledge to do what He asked me to do, provided all the things for the school, hand picked each child for each class, brought these specific teachers here, and every other detail that fell into place over the past two years.  I can’t put it into words, but this realization brought tears to my eyes and chills through my body. 





Our 4 and 5 year olds this year are way ahead of where our 5 and 6 year olds started last year.  They are confident in who God has made them to be, in their ability to learn, to write, to read, to play, to answer questions, to speak English words, to show off their sign language, to make music, to create things, to paint, and to express all the other “languages” their Creator gave to them.  When we are all created, God intended for His children to embrace all the talents, hobbies, interests that He gave us (our different “languages”); DSC_0033however, we know that these are commonly taken away by our society, parents, teachers, and other adults in our lives…but now God has blessed these children with the opportunity to get back those “languages”, to do what they were created to do, to find their voice among the others, to embrace the individuality they were born with, above all to glorify God for His Provision and Sovereignty in their lives. 

My whole life I have heard about God’s Plans, God’s Power, God’s Sovereignty, God’s Love, God’s Mercy and there are too many times to count for the ways He has proven faithful in all those areas in my life.  Somehow, this moment, with these children here in Zambia tops it all…I feel like I saw God, face to face, in that moment of experiencing how deep His Love runs for all of us He created.  DSC_0184These children are gaining so much from such a little school, in the middle of no where…because it is consumed by the Spirit of God Himself!  O how great a God we serve, how Mighty is His Name in all the earth!!


“How great are His signs, how mighty His wonders!  His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion endures from generation to generation.”  Daniel 4:3





“There is none like You, O Lord; You are great, and your name is great in might.”

Jeremiah 10:6