Yesterday, I was sitting and thinking about the children at school. They always impress me, but this year especially with the way they seemed to pick up right where we left off in November. The younger class is so vibrant with joy and excitement about the new things in the school and the older ones taking confidence in teaching their new friends how to explore and use everything we have in the classroom. For some reason, my mind drifted back to this time last year and how different everything was: the children, their behavior,
their mindset, their play, their smiles, their knowledge, etc. In that moment, the Holy Spirit filled me with the greatest JOY I have ever experienced, a small glimpse at the heart of God. My eyes were opened to “why” God provided money for the school, gave me knowledge to do what He asked me to do, provided all the things for the school, hand picked each child for each class, brought these specific teachers here, and every other detail that fell into place over the past two years. I can’t put it into words, but this realization brought tears to my eyes and chills through my body.
Our 4 and 5 year olds this year are way ahead of where our 5 and 6 year olds started last year. They are confident in who God has made them to be, in their ability to learn, to write, to read, to play, to answer questions, to speak English words, to show off their sign language, to make music, to create things, to paint, and to express all the other “languages” their Creator gave to them. When we are all created, God intended for His children to embrace all the talents, hobbies, interests that He gave us (our different “languages”); however, we know that these are commonly taken away by our society, parents, teachers, and other adults in our lives…but now God has blessed these children with the opportunity to get back those “languages”, to do what they were created to do, to find their voice among the others, to embrace the individuality they were born with, above all to glorify God for His Provision and Sovereignty in their lives.
My whole life I have heard about God’s Plans, God’s Power, God’s Sovereignty, God’s Love, God’s Mercy and there are too many times to count for the ways He has proven faithful in all those areas in my life. Somehow, this moment, with these children here in Zambia tops it all…I feel like I saw God, face to face, in that moment of experiencing how deep His Love runs for all of us He created. These children are gaining so much from such a little school, in the middle of no where…because it is consumed by the Spirit of God Himself! O how great a God we serve, how Mighty is His Name in all the earth!!
“How great are His signs, how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion endures from generation to generation.” Daniel 4:3
“There is none like You, O Lord; You are great, and your name is great in might.”
Jeremiah 10:6
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