March 12, 2013

‘Cool’ Science Ramps and Marbles



A new addition to the school this year is our Light and Shadow Studio.  In this space, the children have the opportunity to work with various materials on a light table exploring: shapes, colors, textures, shadows, light, and many other fun things.  At some point, a few of the children found the marbles and they were very intrigued with how the light would shine through them.  They kept them in the cup and shined their flash lights through them observing what what happening. 

            DSC_0203                DSC_0202

One day, they decided to put the marbles on the table.  The moment they released the marbles onto the light table, gravity took over.  They started chasing the marbles with their hands to keep them from rolling off the table.  Thank you to our builder who did not level the floor properly for this ‘cool science’ moment.  The teachers all thought it would be a great idea to provide ramps of different heights and surfaces for the children to explore with marbles…so we did:




   “The marbles run faster if you put them on the higher side.”






“The small marbles roll very fast.” – Florence



“The big marbles run faster than the small marbles.”  -Kain



             “The marbles spread out all over the surface when you let them go.”








“When there is no ramp, the marbles go very slow.”  -Chanto

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