In the middle of November, we had two wonderful ladies from South Africa come visit us to lend a hand where we needed. There was one particular unique thing about these women…one was in her 60’s and one was in her 70’s and they worked harder then some of the young, strapping men that come through here.
Sonny, the older one, worked diligently on mended clothes and my couch cushions, taught a bible study, helped Amber in the kitchen and with laundry, looked after Jakob, organized many supplies for the store room of the preschool, shortened Amber’s window curtains, built relationships with the mothers at the house and Charles’ family, and always willing to step in wherever was needed.
Marion was a spit fire of a woman…she held nothing back. Her first morning here she helped finish painting my house, and jumped right in to help me get the school completed in one day. Marion also journeyed out of the bush with me to take Isaac and Ennie to the hospital, once again. She helped load supplied and move them to the preschool, she assisted us in putting on doors (for my house and the school), she helped moving furniture in and around my house, cooked many meals for us, cleaned the kitchen regularly, also looked after Jakob (filled him with sweeties) and she even helped Jako with the roof he was working on.
These women came here to see what is doing here through Amber and Jako, but I don’t think they ever thought God would use them in such big ways to bless what He has started. I never thought they would work so hard, or be so willing to get things done…they really helped us finish many projects that had been hanging over our heads and eased the days going into preparation to leave.
I just love these unexpected blessings in life!! God is so good…
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