For all of you following the story of Isaac, I have another update for you. As you know, last month we had a scare with Isaac being so ill, we had to rush him to the hospital (3 hours away) and thankfully God performed a miracle and saved the little guy. He has been doing so well, eating several times a day and going from 2.6 kg to 4.2 kg. One night this past month, Isaac was having diarrhea, vomiting, and unable to sleep. Knowing how quickly a little baby can go from bad to worse, we decided to be cautious and take him to the hospital right away. We went to the same place, 3 hours away and again they admitted Isaac. Since it was his second time back, in such a short time, the doctors think that he has been exposed to HIV and most likely is infected with the virus. He was in the hospital for 4 days before they released him…this was the second time they have tried to take blood to check his HIV status, and they were unable to see anything, so they have to wait until he is 6 months. When babies are HIV positive, they struggle to survive the slightest cold and illness, so please be praying for his health. Ennie is doing a wonderful job caring for him and is making sure that he is kept warm and healthy as best as she can, but we know that ultimately God is the only one who can ensure his safety and wellbeing. I trust that God still has great plans for this one and that he will be protecting Isaac through anything that comes his way.
If baby Isaac crosses your mind, please say a little prayer for him; pray for his health and growth, pray for Ennie (the mother caring for him), and pray that if Isaac has the virus, that God will remove it from his body and restore it, so that he can grow up to be a big, healthy, wonderful boy!
Thank you all so much for your prayers and love of God’s children all the way on the other side of the world!!
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