September 19, 2012

Lights, Shadows, Art…


This year I have been learning a lot about how to run an early childhood program in the bush of Zambia.  One thing I did not expect at all was the number of children who would attend the school.  The size of the building we have is far bigger than anything they traditionally would have, but I still felt like we needed a bit more space if we hope to make the class sizes a bit larger next year.  I also wanted to add dimension to the school since it is just an open rectangle shape right now.  All this being said, I dug into my account and found some funds to put two additions on the preschool.  We are adding a two smaller rooms onto the back of the school with walkways from the main building.  In the smaller room we will be creating a space for the children to investigate and study light and shadows.  It will be a dark room with one large light table and another smaller one for studies.  It will also be filled with mirrors and other materials the children can use to bounce and reflect light, learning about all the different dimensions of light.


The larger addition is going to become a permanent art studio which will free up space in the main classroom for children to work and learn.  The art studio will have shelves all around so that the available art supplies can be on display and then there will hopefully be space for the children’s art work to dry and then be put out for everyone to enjoy. 


The builder thought this project would only take a few weeks, but with everything in Africa, things take way longer than anyone says they will.  He has been working for about 5 weeks and is almost finished the brick work of the art studio…once he finishes the brick work, we have to add a roof and then he will plaster the inside and add the walk through from the main classroom.  The same process must be done on the smaller room as well.  With these additions, we are hoping to install solar power for the light table and then add a technology center with a computer and such.  Lots of exciting improvements for the school when we reopen next year!!  Please pray that the builder continues to show up and do the job he has committed to do and that the rooms will get done shortly so we can get them painted and set up for the children next year. 


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