God is sooooo incredibly good to know what we need and when we need it. One of the things I have struggled with the most since I have been in Zambia is loneliness and not having anyone to share struggles with, joys with, and things like that! God sustained me through my first year with visitors here and there, but mainly through quiet times with Him and moments spent in His word. This year it seems God has decided to bless me with several friends visiting to help me feel not so alone. May has started the influx of people around here and it
won’t be until next year that all the volunteers will be going home…Praise God, he is blessing me fellowship and companionship through the end of this year!!
At the end of May, God sent three wonderful people to us to spend some time in our ministry here. Two of them are brother and sister hoping to start their own mission organization supporting missionaries they meet out on the field. Amber and Stephen started their journey in Kenya, then came by us, and Stephen even went on to Cambodia making connections with missionaries that are already on the field looking for ways their organization can help out by sending teams, supplies, and whatever else God opens the doors for. Amber and Stephen were only here for a short week, but enjoyed helping out around the house, cooking, working with Amber and Jako, and even coming up to the school and playing games with the children or supporting them in their learning for the day! They both enjoyed being out here and we loved having them and being encouraged by them…any time God sends people out here it is a huge blessing to us. We pray and hope that we will see them out here again, but until then we wish them well and for God’s will to be accomplished through their calling to start up this organization!!
Our other visitor is a friend of mine from GBC in Maryland…Rachel! This is her first time to Africa and her first time being out on a mission trip without a team of peers coming with her. She came the same week as Amber and Stephen, but is staying until the beginning of August. Rachel knew that God was calling her to give up her summer to serve Him oversees and He opened the doors perfectly for her to come here and support the many things that God is doing here. Her first week was a bit of an adjustment being two hours from any sort of town and still trying to get her mind around the fact that she is going to be here for over two months, not any easy thing to swallow in just a few days…and her first week happened to be the week I had to send Medis to town to get her passport and injection for yellow fever, so I was short staffed at the school unable to take time off to properly welcome Rachel and introduce her into the bush!! Thankfully, God sustained her through her first week and we had plenty of time on the weekend to get settled in and acquainted with the ministry out here, the school, and the orphanage. Since there is so much to do around here, Rachel has decided to split her time between working at the school and helping out Amber with orphanage duties and MOL administrative tasks. I think now that Rachel has a loose schedule and purpose for each day, she is much more comfortable around here and now looking forward to her two months she has with us. I surely enjoy having her around as a friend and roommate.
As the summer goes on, we have a couple teams coming out to serve here and some other individuals, some who have been before and some who have not, so please keep them all in your prayers and the impact they are making for God’s kingdom by coming out to serve here!!
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