May 4, 2012

Playing Around?!?!?!?




Since the end of March this playground has been under development…like most things out here, I easily put on my western thinking cap and make an educated guess as to how long things will take.  Well with the playground, I KNEW no longer than two weeks for sure!  HAHA  well here it is a month later and the playground is still under construction, although I can see light at the end of the tunnel. 



After a month of “playing around”, Jako (with some assistance from me) has finished welding the monkey bars, the jungle gym, and the swings.  We have begun painting all of those and hope to get those three items, along with a see saw, in the ground at the preschool by Monday for the start of the new term.  We still have to make and hang the 4 swings (2 tire swings and 2 plank wings), make the bridge to connect the two towers in the jungle gym, build the see saw, and cement all the things in the ground :o)  This will complete stage one and allow the children to develop their gross motor skills better than just playing with balls and jump ropes, although they will still have the opportunity to do so if they choose to. 




Now Stage Two…since we quickly ran out of time, we decided to make this playground a two stage process.  As the second term goes on, we will hopefully get a 10 foot climbing dome built, a shaded sand box in, a tree balance beam, a tether ball poll, a concrete slab for net ball and four square, and a shaded outdoor teaching area with enough bench space for a class.  This should complete the whole outdoor area for the children and Lord willing a fence will be put around the play area by the end of July to ensure the safety of the children.



This playground not only benefits the children at the preschool, but also at the orphanage.  After school and on the weekends, the children will be more than welcomed to come and play on the playground.  All of these IMGP3062children have been in the bush with nothing like this, so they will ALL jump at the chance to swing, cross the monkey bars, go down the slide, and walk across the balance beam,  What a blessing for the WHOLE community…

With this playground, my hope is to have an end of the year school party with all the families and children: B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Buns) and I will provide the Tea!! 


Please pray that God will use this blessing over and over again to bring joy to those who encounter it and as a tool to bring people together in the community…who knows what ALL He has in store?!?!?!?!


So we have not been playing around this month, but hopefully the children will be playing around for years to come…


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