This was our last week before our first term break. Here in Zambia, the school runs from January to December with monthly breaks in the middle of three terms. As much as my body and mind needed the rest of this break, my heart is not happy about not having children at the school until May. All the classes have been so busy with studies and working in the classroom, that Medis and I decided to make the last week a fun week for the children.
The younger classes continues their regular routines of exploring centers, working with one another in art studio and other areas of the classroom, reading stories, and beginning to learn some of the jobs we have around the classroom. On the last day of school, they got to play with the parachute and tunnel, which was a first for them. Having them only twice a week, we usually don’t have time for a planned movement activity, so they haven’t seen the parachute yet. The children shrieked with excitement when we had the puppets flying all over the classroom, not being able to contain them while moving the parachute up and down. What a joyful moment for everyone!!
The older class didn’t get it as easy as the younger ones…since Friday was a holiday for Easter weekend, the older children only came twice this week as well. However, they had a lot of work to do to connect with the World Friends in America. There is a preschool in Annapolis, MD, where the children will be connecting with other children their age in a completely different culture. We took out a map and found where we live in Mukamba, and then took guesses on where America was and then Maryland on the map. Now, all the children should be able to point out Maryland and Mukamba on a world map! We also sat down and has discussions about America and what the children thought it was like, then they had some very good questions to ask the children in the other class about their daily lives. In addition to that, each child wrote a letter telling the classes in Annapolis all about themselves, their
family, and a little bit about Zambia. I hope to get out their letters, questions, and a picture of each children in the mail later this week so they can be on their way to America!! Please pray for the connection between these children and their cultures…how awe inspiring that they can communicate with children on a whole different continent and learn about things they are learning in their classroom. Such an enriching moment for all the children and teachers involved!!
All the children said they were going to miss school very much and that they didn’t want a break, where I hear usually children around here love when school close for term holiday. I almost cried as each class sang their good-bye for the last time in this term.
Well as sad as I am to not see the children for a month, I am equally as excited about the second term where the parents will have a chance to get more involved, the children will be introduced to jobs in the classroom, and Medis and I will be introducing even more activities for the children to explore and learn.
Medis and I are still hoping to attend the Reggio Emilia Teacher Training Seminar in June in South Africa. She just applied for her passport, so please pray that they have it ready in the next three weeks for her to go and pick it up. Then all she needs is her yellow fever vaccination and once we acquire all the funds, we will be ready to go!!
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