March 27, 2012

Week 6



Learn Tonga - Letter “B” Words

                 Buku:  Book                                                             Bolla:  Ball

                Busyu:  Face                                                            Bekke:  Bag

                Banana:  Banana                                                     Baama:  Mother

                Bantu:  People                                                         Basicikolo:  Students


Science Center:


This week the children in all classes were busy learning.  Some of the classes are pursuing cows and farming.  They have talked about what a cow looks like, the different things cows do, what they eat, where they live, etc.  This week some children got the opportunity to draw and then paint a cow.  They told us what their cows were doing in the picture and it never ceases to amaze me how their imaginations run wild.  The older class plans on bringing clay to school next week and making a big cow out of clay using the description they gave me during one of our meetings. 



Another class is diving into insects and butterflies.  We ha a few flying around the play area on Friday and the children caught three of them.  They talked about the similarities and differences in the butterflies they caught, they researched them in books, and they have decided they want to go on a Bug Hunt next week to see what else they can find in the bush.


Community Art Project:



This week all four classes got to participate in a community art project.  Last week, each class went on a nature walk to gather items to add to a ‘nature loom’.  Medis and I collected 4 sticks to make the frame of the loom and all the children were given the opportunity to weave bark, leaves, grass, branches, flowers, and anything else they found on the walk.  Some of the children only wanted to put one or two things on it, while others loaded the loom up with nature.  It was enjoyable to see the DSC_0182loom hanging over the art stuio table knowing ALL the children worked together to build it.  Now we just have to pray the owl doesn’t come back and make his nest there :)                                  


Jeremiah’s Message:

This week the children heard the message that “God is Real”.  When I asked the children if God is real they all said YES.  Then I asked how do we know He is real and none of the children had any ideas.  Jeremiah went on to ask them who made all the things around them (i.e. the sky, the clouds, the rain, the sun, the grass, the dirt, the animals, and them) and the children answered “Leza” to everything.  They understood that God has created everything around them, so Jeremiah broke it down and shared with the children that even though we can’t see God with our eyes, we CAN see all that he created, so we know He has to be real. 




“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him”

Colossians 1:16

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