After taking some time to rest in December, January was full of speaking engagements and opportunities to share what God is doing through me in Zambia. Not only was I able to meet one on one with supporters, I was also privileged to speak to a couple middle school classes, Sunday school classes, and I even got an evening service. God used each of these opportunities to glorify himself in what he is doing over in Zambia. Thank you to everyone who took the time to meet with me and hear about the ministry God has placed on my heart.
Every moment was special and unique, but I would have to say that the most interactive moment was the evening service I got to speak at. After the service, with some help, I had set up an event called “A Taste of Tonga” where people were able to walk through and experience some of the life of a Tongan village person. There was a table set up with facts and pictures about the culture (i.e. HIV statistics, poverty, hunger, orphan stats, water availability, etc.); a water carrying station where each person had to carry a 5 gallon bucket filled with water a short distance; a corn grinding station to experience the effort Tonga’s go through to prepare a meal; an opportunity to balance a large bag on corn on their head; a table set up with the local food ‘nshima’ to taste and information on how much different families around the world eat in a week compared to the village people in Africa; and finally there was a table set up to give them the opportunity to get involved with the ministry through updates.
Everyone really seemed to enjoy the experience and I hope that it helped them gain a little more insight into the people group that God has called me to serve at this time in my life.
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