December 30, 2011

CHRISTmas in America


After being on mission trips or in the field for long periods of time, Christmas seems like the worst time of year to come back.  Have you ever heard of ‘reverse culture shock’?  It’s when people leave their natural culture, spend time in other culture, and then return to their home land unable to ‘fit back in’.  Culture shock happens when you enter a place and have no idea what to expect: the way people live their lives, what they value, how they act are all foreign to you, something you have never experienced and haven’t leaned how to respond to.  I have experience both culture shock (going) and reverse culture shock (coming).  I am learning that the more you come and go, the more you understand how to cope with the differences in cultures and how to not be a critic and judge, when injustice seems to reign high. 

This year was probably the best year I have had reintegrating into my culture here in America.  I can remember most of the other times I have come home and not handled readjustment the way I should, but thanks to God, people showed me grace and love in spite of it all.  Coming home this time and looking around at everything: decorations, how people spend money, how they spend their time, how they act towards one another, etc; instead of being angry like years past, my heart just broke.  A time of the year when our focus should be on Christ and celebrating Him, who he is to us; is now a time focused on buying the most presents, spending 30+ hours at the shopping mall, decorating the house with Santa’s and Nutcracker’s, running around, being stressed out…loosing the joy of the holiday.  America seems to be one of the luckiest nations in the world, a history marked by favor from God, something we so easily take for granted and now that He has blessed us to be where we are, we toss God to the side because we no longer need him.  How can  a people group so easily turn from the one that has brought them to where they are??  Well history shows us that it is pretty easy, seeing as how the Israelites constantly turned from God even after he parted the red sea, gave them food from heaven, walked with them day and night, delivered them from their enemies, and performed miracle after miracle right before their very eyes.  With the fall of man, we are destined to walk away from our Creator, but in those moments Christ reaches out to us and brings us back to him, giving us his Spirit to draw nearer to God, we as Christians have a new obligation.  It is not up to the world to bring Christ into Christmas, for them it is just a pagan holiday where a jolly man brings presents to boys an girls who already have rooms full of them.  We can’t be mad at “America” for allowing Christ to be forgotten, we can only hold ourselves responsible for letting it come this far.  As the church, we are the body of Christ, it is up to us to stand against our culture, to proclaim the gospel in the darkest places, to not allow ourselves to be tainted by the world around us, to not forget the reason Jesus Christ was born…he was born to save US!  And that is what we should be celebrating every Christmas season.

As you take time to reflect on the year 2011, ask yourself if you are doing all that you could possibly do to make Christmas all about our Savior and not the commercialized meaning of the holiday.  For each person and each family it will look different, but what should be the same is our desire to glorify God throughout the whole holiday season, to turn people’s eyes up toward heaven…



This Christmas I was able to spend the whole weekend with my family and my extended family.  It was such a blessing and joy to work with my mom to serve everyone dinner, to play games late into the evening, to sit around catching up, to share stories of how Christ has been moving in our lives, and to just rest in the assurance that Jesus Christ lives and he loves us so much!!! 

I hope each and everyone of you enjoyed Christmas with those you love most and are excited about what the new year will bring…HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!

December 15, 2011

Across the Atlantic Once More…


December 6 I boarded a plane in Johannesburg to head back to the states for Christmas.  Committing to MOL, I had planned on not taking a trip home until April/May next year, but with the surprising news about Jeremiah (the new baby) I started considering coming home for the holidays way back in May.  The issue was up and down for awhile, then in October everything was solidified and I purchased a ticket.  Thankfully no one was expecting me, so I got to sneak back and slowly surprise people.  What a blessing it is to be welcomed home with open arms and smiling faces…thank you to everyone who greeted me with a hug and a word of excitement and encouragement.  It is so great to be here with the family and friends that God has provided for me.  For the first few days of being stateside, no one knew I was here, so I was able to hide out at my parents house and recover from the long flight and begin to wean myself back into western culture and civilization.  I must say I enjoy sleeping in my own bed, having heat on cold nights, driving on smooth roads, and being reunited with the body of Christ over here.  As a missionary, it is very easy for me to pour myself out and get so wrapped up in “doing” God’s work that I don’t take time to fill myself back up with the Word of God, just spending time with my Father.  I am looking forward to this break being a time of refreshment, rest, and reflection, so that I can better understand all that God has been teaching and showing me since sending me to Zambia.  I plan to be in the states until January 23, when I will board a plane and head back to South Africa to meet back up with Amber and Jako. 





If you would like to get together while I am here, please contact me and we will make a plan!!


Cell:  240-691-8399

December 5, 2011

Zambia - Botswana - South Africa

travel map

Operation Baby #2 began at the end of November as we deployed our home in the bush, heading for South Africa.  Usually, it takes two days to drive from our place, through Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa before we reach Jako’s home town: Vereegining.  Well, like everything in Africa, nothing goes how you plan it…we were already leaving three days after we ideally wanted to be on the road, and then on day 2 we had an unexpected break down.  The first day we made it all the way through the boarder and to Botswana with no problems…we camped out in Elephant Sands just as night was setting in.  The next morning, we got up bright and early and headed DSC_0120back on the road through the desert…about 30 minutes into our drive we start smelling something and hearing a noise that a car should not make.  We pulled over and our master mechanic diagnosed the problem…there was nothing we could do without parts, so we climbed back in a prayed the car would make it 2 more hours to Francistown.  Well 5 minutes DSC_0122later we pulled over again because the band had broken and we couldn’t go farther.  From this moment on we are without a dull moment on the car ride…so, like anyone would do, Jako hopped in the back of someone’s truck and hitched a ride to town, while Amber, Jakob, and I watched the car…hehe.  In the 6 hours that we were on the side of the road (mind you Amber is 8 months pregnant and Jakob is running around like crazy) we only had two people stop to offer help and check on us…we thought that was pretty hilarious!!  After running all over Francistown, Jako made it safely back to the vehicle where Amber and I were still entertaining Jakob in the desert!!  As we started fixing the car, some dark clouds rolled in and two minutes later it started pouring in the rain…we were soaked!!  Thankfully, Jako got everything in place and w were back on the road just as the rain started to slow down (that’s always how it works….haha).  Most of day 2 was shot, but we did make it to the boarder and into South Africa before it got too late.  Then day 3 we made it safely to Vereegining with no car problems and only 1 casualty. 

Whew…after that adventure I don’t know what to expect!!  I thank God that he kept us safe and provided everything we needed to get down to South Africa before Jeremiah…He is a good God, ALWAYS in control of every situation!