October 18, 2011

El Roi

“God Hears”

So often we pray and wonder if God is listening to us, whether or not he hears our prayers and answers them.  In the Bible, God clearly tells us that he does hear our prayers and he always answers them, even if we don’t always recognize it.  Only once, in the whole Bible, is God ever referred to as ‘El Roi’.  It was by a lady named Hagar, a maid servant to Sari (Abram’s wife) whom gave her to Abram to bear Sari a child.  God had promised Sari and Abram that he would give them a child and from this child would come many nations, but Sari (like most of us) became impatient and tried to fulfill God’s will on her own.  Once Hagar became pregnant, she treated Sari with contempt and Sari, in return, treated Hagar harshly.  So Hagar ran away into the desert, pregnant and all alone.  As she wondered in the heat of the desert, God heard her cry of distress and sent an angel to comfort and direct her with his words.  After her encounter with God, Hagar praised him calling him El Roi, for he heard her cry and answered her. 

IsaacGod heard our prayers for Isaac and gave us a miracle.  We got a phone call Saturday evening telling us that little Isaac was alright.  God gave him enough strength to hang on long enough for the IV tap to rehydrate him and the medication to keep him from vomiting anymore.  They say that he is going to be fine and they were planning on releasing him Monday morning, but decided to keep him for a few more days to make sure he is really healthy.  Rachel told us that he is eating very well and starting to gain more and more weight!  We are hoping he will be very fat by the time they let him go from the hospital.  Please continue to pray that he stays healthy while he works his way up to the normal weight of a 1 month old baby.  Clearly this one has DSC_0270favor with God and we will always remember the day God saved him, bringing joy and happiness to many who have been praying and caring for him. 

As most of you know…God did fulfill his promise to Sari and Abram (Sarah and Abraham) giving them a son named Isaac. 

Isn’t it amazing how God works?!?!?!?!

Isaac means HAPPINESS

October 14, 2011

Intercession for Isaac


Calling all prayer warriors…

IMG_3297 Our newest member at the orphanage, Isaac, is in desperate need of your prayers right this very moment.  His relatives brought him to us after his mother died of a serious infection in her mouth, this past Sunday.  This beautiful baby boy was born one month early, and is now 34 days old.  Isaac came to us weighing only 2.6kgs and has not been gaining weight, despite his frequent feedings.  After a night of vomiting, diarrhea, and not much formula, little Isaac was extremely dehydrated and immediately rushed to the hospital.  It took us three hours to drive out of the bush and get to the nearest, decent hospital in Zimba. 

Shortly after getting him registered and testing his vitals, the doctor saw us.  After a brief interview, the doctor quickly started Isaac on an IV, with medication for vomiting and admitted him to the hospital for a minimum of 4 days.   

Right at this very moment, this little boy is fighting for his life…I too want to fight for his life asking God for a miracle.  Please join me in continuous prayer for this little one, being very persistent with our pleas before our Father


“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.”

Jeremiah 29:12