“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
Like most things that happen, a five day trip to South Africa was not in my plans for the month of July. Back in May, I had injured my back lifting those bins of clothing I was sorting into sizes to be stored away for later use. At the time, I had no idea until a week after the incident I was woken up by an intense muscle spasm in my right leg. We went to town and saw a doctor and see said that she thought I pinched a nerve and that it would be healed in the next 6-weeks. So two months pass and I am still having spasms at night and pain in my right leg. Naturally my mom became more concerned and started researching more
diligently and asking doctors for their advice on what I should do. After a few days of idea shooting, we all decided it was best that I see a doctor as soon as possible. Unfortunately they don’t have that kind of specialist here in Zambia, so I had to fly to South Africa.
We contacted a few people trying to see the best route to determining what I had actually done to my back and how I could help it recover. We were hoping to get an MRI, but that process is long and almost impossible without living there to see everyone you need to see in a timely manner to get the prescription for the MRI and then an actual appointment, so it was suggested that I see a physical therapist first and if they couldn’t figure it out, than I would try to get in with a specialist. Praise God I was able to get a flight out of Livingstone two days later and off to South Africa I went. God was also gracious to give me a place to stay for my time there and someone to drive me to
all my appointments. At the first appointment, the physical therapist was able to determine that I actually ripped a disc between to vertebrate in the lumbar region of my lower back. The rip was deep into the middle and there was jelly like stuff (nucleus) leaking out, irritating the nerves causing the extreme pain in my back and leg; the muscle in my leg was trying to compensate by going into a spasm since the nerve pain was so intense. We all prayed hard that the physical therapists would be able to determine the cause of the pain without needing an MRI and thankfully God answered that prayer. She gave me several exercises to do, especially if I was experiencing a spasm, and others to strengthen my lower back so that the disc can heal properly.
As much as I didn’t want to go, thinking it was an inconvenience, God blessed my time there with the people I stayed with and the pastor who drove me to my appointments. In addition to everything God had already done, he was prepared for this moment more than I could ever have been. A week after I got back, I got an email from a friend in my church back home, informing me that the kids from Vacation Bible School raised money for the missionaries. The children had given more than expected so the additional was sent to me totaling the exact amount of the travel and medical expenses for this detour…Praise God!
It seems my back will take 6 months to heal, meaning no heavy lifting or strain on my back for that time, or else the disc could rip back open and I will have to start all over again with the therapy. I am already feeling better and have not had any leg spasms since I have been to South Africa.
“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:19