“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you…”
The Mission of Love Education Center is well under way. Shorty after my arrival, God sent us a builder to begin the brick work on the school. The builder, Evans, lives in Livingstone, but has family here in the bush. He was passing through hoping Jako would have a project for him and as it turns out the other two builders who were scheduled to start that day never showed up. We used him for a smaller project hoping the other builders would come, but they never showed up, so Evans got the “contract” to begin building the school house. He, and his team, began pouring the foundation on May 6th, being very optimistic that he would finish in less than three weeks. He stayed in a tent just outside the school house and began working at 5 am everyday and worked until the sun went down in the evening, about 5:30 pm. They were very quick and diligent with their work…Evans said that he wanted to get it up as fast as possible so that I could begin teaching the children and the community. I enjoyed spending time at the education center praying for the school and getting to know the builders during the construction. He just finished the brick work this past weekend, the morning of May 22. It took him just
over two weeks to build the five walls, two doors, and five windows (one week quicker than the previous builder estimated his work to be completed).
The center is going to be one large classroom with a store room on the right side. We figured that having a larger classroom would give the young children more space to move around and explore, as well as, give us more space when we open classes for the community in the evenings and on the weekends. Since the school is located right next to the orphanage, the children and mommies there have been able to watch the progress everyday and are very excited about the center opening soon. The only things left for the construction of the building are the roof and plastering of the walls. There is a team coming from Florida in the beginning of June and Jako hopes that we will be able to utilize the team and get the roof on in less than a week. Once the roof is compete, Evans will come back in and plaster the walls so that they are smooth and ready for paint. God truly has his hand in establishing this center…he provided the funding, then he gave us a builder, now h
e is providing a roofing team, and later I know he will be providing everything we will need to fix up the classroom and create a program to enhance and equip the young minds of the children in this community.
I am so thankful that God is in control of this project and that everything is being completed on his time frame and not ours (although I am definitely appreciating the quickness of his timing). Please pray for the continued work on the education center, the people God is brining to work on it, the children who will benefit from it, and above all, that God may receive all the glory for everything that is done!
“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6